IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED: Stop Trudeau Dictatorship

Stop war act

Natychmiastowe wycofanie ustawy o sytuacjach nadzwyczajnych

Prawdziwa sytuacja krytyczna jest przesadny zasieg rzadu.

Przywrócmy nasza wolnosc.


Podpisz perycje i wysli emaile do czlonkow ndp zeby poparli partie knoserwatywna

Justin Trudeau ma plan.

Chce uzyskac dzis wieczorem zatwierdzenie przez parlament ustawy o sytuacjach nadzwyczajnych i zachowac ja na czas nieokreslony, powolujac sie na „nagla sytuacje”, która nie istnieje i nigdy nie bedzie.

To najwieksza próba przejecia wladzy w historii Kanady. Nie mozna do tego dopuscic.

Nasza najlepsza szansa na unikniecie tej narodowej tragedii jest wywarcie presji na poslów Nowej Partii Demokratycznej, którzy utrzymuja równowage sil w mniejszosciowym rzadzie Justina Trudeau, aby zaglosowali przeciwko zatwierdzeniu ustawy o sytuacjach nadzwyczajnych.

Natychmiast skontaktuj sie ze WSZYSTKIMI poslami NDP, w tym z Jagmeetem Singhem, aby poinformowac ich, ze chcesz odrzucic ustawe o sytuacjach nadzwyczajnych.

Blagaj poslów NDP, aby bronili kanadyjskiej demokracji i zaglosowali przeciwko skierowaniu Kanady na ciemna droge, z której nie bedzie mogla wrócic.

God Bless You and God Bless Canada!

Immediate withdrawal of the Emergencies Act

We, the undersigned, add our names to Canadians from coast-to-coast concerned by the government overreach and excessively punitive emergencies act, by demanding that the federal government:

  1. Immediately withdraw the Emergencies Act, which is an extreme curtailment of the civil liberties of Canadians
  2. Discontinue the secret seize of Canadians’ personal financial assets
  3. Offer a full and transparent account to Canadians on all actions taken as a result of the Emergencies Act being in force.

NDP MPs contact information can be found at


Derek Sloan
Leader of the Ontario Party

PETYCJA DO Governor General of Canada

ALL Canadians!!! 🇨🇦

The Governor General of Canada says she needs 958,000 emails to remove Trudeau.

The email address is and the heading should be

Non Confidence Vote

and she is The Honourable Mary Simon.

Then just say this is a Non Confidence Vote for Justin Trudeau.
Name, Province & Postal Code needed.

send an email to

I asked how many votes were required and unfortunately she didn’t have a definite number but she said majority rules…

And here’s a basic template, I didn’t write it up.

To the Governor General,

Effective Immediately, I ask parliament to remove Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and any of his family members holding office within the federal government or federal employees. I am no longer confident our current Prime Minister is working in the best interest of his constituents, Canada and Canadians.
The policies invoked by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government go against our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and our Canadian Bill of Rights.
Mr Justin Trudeau’s hate-filled speeches have disenfranchised millions of Canadians and must be charged as a hate crime as per section 318, and 319.
He is not my leader & has made me feel a great divide and unsafe and threatened in my own country.

Postal code

You know what to do…time is the essence…do it …and Share this on your timeline , tag as many Canadians as you can so we can spread this as quick as possible…

I encourage you to respectfully and politely reach out to NDP Members of Parliament and Members of the Senate to share your concerns and how the use of the Emergencies Act impacts you or makes you feel.
Senators contact information can be found at
NDP MPs contact information can be found at
Now is a time to come together. Be levelheaded and help get these people to understand why we as an effective opposition, or those charged with providing sober second thought can’t let this stand.



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